PBS ‘Pen Pal’ Video

22 Jan

As some of you may know I’m a huge fan of snail-mailing and pen-pals (see some of my snail mail projects here and here).  It’s something I’ve been doing since I was a little girl and something that I got my kids involved in since they could just write (those early letters are almost impossible to understand but man are they cute!).  They started writing letters to their grandparents and slowly over the years started writing to some of my friend’s kids who live in other countries around the world.  For our kids writing to their pen pals was also a great opportunity for them to practice writing English (my kids are schooled in Dutch and French).

Over the years I’ve loved seeing the relationships they’ve formed with their pen pals and hearing about their big plans to all meet in person one day in the future.  In this technologically focused world these little things make a huge impression on our kids.

A few weeks ago Jen and Dave asked me if I would help them with the new episode of their PBS Adventures in Learning series and when I heard the topic was Pen Pals I jumped at the opportunity.  It was so much fun to help make (with lots of help from my better half who has the patience to figure out how the video feature on my dslr works).  Take a peek and let me know what you think!

6 Responses to “PBS ‘Pen Pal’ Video”

  1. Nancy January 22, 2014 at 14:52 #

    Great! Both what it is about and how it is made!

    • Jillian In Italy February 16, 2014 at 22:48 #

      Thanks Nancy. Dave and Jen did a great job putting it all together.

  2. Jane Campbell January 23, 2014 at 05:16 #

    I am a big believer in pen pals. I still have a few of my original pals after more than 40 years. I tried to get my kids interested, with no luck. Maybe I will show them this video. I love it!

    • Jillian In Italy February 16, 2014 at 22:50 #

      40 years! Oh I love hearing things like that. I still have a pen-pal in Japan from my university days and I actually went and visited her with my family. It was so nice to meet up face to face. My kids will meet some of their pen-pals this year for the first time too.

  3. classicplay January 30, 2014 at 16:47 #

    This is my favorite episode in the series! You guys did an a-may-zing job! I can’t thank you enough for being a part of it.

    ps. I have a package here to mail out today 😉


  1. Se7en's Fabulous Friday Fun #207 - se7en - January 26, 2014

    […] I have a pile of mail to post… waiting for the end of the month and then it must be off… and if you are looking for some totally wonderful Pen Pal encouragement, then look no further than Jill in Italy. […]

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