Mercatino usato

9 Nov

One of my favourite things to do on a rainy day is visiting the various mercatini usati (second hand shops) in the area.  There aren’t so many around but the few that I know of always have many treasures to be found at a very low price.  Lately I’ve had a fixation for soup terrines.  I make soup a lot in the winter and I was always annoyed at how ugly the big pot looked on the table and that the soup usually went cold after a few minutes.   So…considering soup terrines aren’t the most “in” thing and that they are actually really hard to find new, I went hunting in my local mercatini.  And I found a nice one.

Definitely from the 50’s or 60’s as you can tell by the pattern and colours.

While there I also found this sweet, tall, skinny teapot for my daughter.  She loves to have an herbal tea in front of the fire and what better way than to serve it in this?  Plus, it cost 1 euro…

One Response to “Mercatino usato”

  1. grammao November 12, 2011 at 15:39 #

    Fantastic buys – and so retro. The teapot (it looks like a coffee pot to me) is amazing.

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