Indian Snapshots *1*

16 Jan

As some of you may know we just got back from an absolutely amazing two weeks in India.  It was such an invigorating (and at times slightly chaotic) trip for the five of us.

From the minute we arrived in Delhi all of our senses were on over-drive and we loved it.  Not everybody does, I know.  Visiting India is one of those manic experiences that has you on your toes every second of the day.

The range of emotions that one feels while visiting India is vast. There is is always something to marvel at, something that makes you cringe, something that makes you catch your breath, something that makes you look away, something that brings tears to your eyes, something that puts a wide grin on your face or something that makes you realise how fortunate you are to have such a comfortable and happy life.

But more than anything India offers so much beauty and colour.

Visiting India can sometimes feel like an emotional roller coaster.  But in the best way possible.

As I did last year for our trip to Morocco, I’ll be posting a series of my favourite images of our trip over the next few weeks.



This sweet old woman loved having her photo taken and was delighted when I showed her the image on the screen of my camera.  We bought the loveliest flower garland from her to leave at the nearby shrine and then we passed out Kinder chocolates to all of her grandkids,  She giggled the entire time.  (village of Ghanerao)

2014indiaghanerao3I can’t even begin to count the amount of doors and entryways that I fell in love with during our time in India.  Indians know how to combine colours like no other people on earth.  The brighter the better.  Words to live by in my books. (Ghanerao, India)


A tiny temple dedicated to Hanuman, the monkey god.  The colours, the garlands, the posters, the man handing out milk sweets.  Perfection.  (Deeg Palace)


As I mentioned on IG during our trip, India deteriorates in the most delicate and beautiful manner.  The layers of pastel coloured chipped paint made my heart skip a beat.  It even matched the stagnant lake water (that was most likely hosting more than a few diseases). (Deeg Palace)


India was covered in beautiful bougainvillea while we were visiting.  Everything from hot pinks to soft oranges to vibrant yellows.


Bells, garlands, saris, turbans, prayer strings, bindis, drummers, flowers and three kids who were taking it all in in awe.  Image taken at the infamous Om Banna Shrine (dedicated to a holy motorcycle) outside Jodhpur.

2014indiaghanerao7A really friendly old man who seemed to think I was nuts to want to photograph him.  Next time I’ll include a photo of his friend sitting next to him who kept fishing large items out of his massive red turban. (Ghanerao, India)

14 Responses to “Indian Snapshots *1*”

  1. Yvonne January 16, 2015 at 19:27 #

    Certainly not enough photos for me 🙂 But those are beautiful. And I’m with you on that, the doors and the chiped away paint makes it so special.
    We all hear those aweful stories of abused women in India. Also tourists. Was there ever a time you were afraid? I was afraid for you sometime, while following along on Instagram.
    Can’t wait to see more of your trip.

    • Jillian In Italy January 19, 2015 at 12:49 #

      More to come soon I promise!

      I have to say that we never once felt unsafe or in danger during the 2 weeks that we were there. Even when we found ourselves on the wrong night train and had to get off in a small unknown town at 2am.

      he people we came across were always so friendly, warm and helpful.

  2. giova brusa January 17, 2015 at 12:56 #

    I want more, I want more!! OK, I’ll be patient 😉
    Love those portraits, especially her, she is so beautiful, her eyes OMG!!
    Don’t keep us waiting too long.

    • Jillian In Italy January 19, 2015 at 12:51 #

      Thanks Gio. I also found this woman beautiful. She lives in a tiny little town in the middle of nowhere and spends her days stringing fresh flower garlands. I saw where she lived and although it was so basic and small she seemed to be very content.

  3. Judith January 19, 2015 at 11:03 #

    Yessss, more more more! Love the portraits and the picture of the kids near the Motorcycle temple. The light in your pictures is just gorgeous! And all those colors ❤

    • Jillian In Italy January 19, 2015 at 12:52 #

      I have a feeling you would LOVE India Judith. Come on, let’s go!

  4. Nancy January 20, 2015 at 14:02 #

    You have found wonderful words for the feelings when visiting India. It’s like life itself, thousands of colours and feelings… I visited India in 2008 and it was one of the most wonderful travels and experiences I ever took and ever had. Looking very forward to see India again through more of your pictures – they are beautiful!

    • Jillian In Italy January 22, 2015 at 16:16 #

      Oh I’d love to see some of your shots of India. I’m sure they’re absolutely stunning. Do you have any plans to return to India one day?

  5. jan de groeve January 20, 2015 at 16:02 #

    prachtige foto’s!! de rest zullen we waarschijnlijk einde van de week allemaal zien!!

  6. lauren January 27, 2015 at 16:14 #

    Your photos are so beautiful, and you’ve rendered these colors wonderfully. I was just thinking the same thing about how beautifully India fades when I got to your line about it. Quite stunning, really. And I do think I might like your portraits best.


  1. Indian Snapshots *2* | Jillian In Italy - January 22, 2015

    […] This is the friend of the yellow turbaned man from Indian Snapshots *1* […]

  2. Indian Snapshots *3* | Jillian In Italy - February 2, 2015

    […] Indian Snapshots *1* Indian Snapshots *2* […]

  3. Indian Snapshots *4* | Jillian In Italy - February 17, 2015

    […] Snapshots *1*, *2*, […]

  4. Indian Snapshots *5* | Jillian In Italy - March 6, 2015

    […] Snapshots *1*, *2*, […]

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