Urban Jungle Bloggers: EASTER

4 Apr

2015UJBeaster6 copyHello and Happy Easter to all!  Over here in Italy it’s bright and early(ish) on Easter Sunday morning and we’ve already eaten lots of chocolate eggs (rolled into crepes!).  Soon we’ll be making the dough for our traditional Hot Cross Buns and while that rises we’ll go for a little stroll in the local woods. It’s going to be a lovely day.

As you can probably tell this month’s Urban Jungle Blogger’s theme is Easter.  It’s one of my favourite themes because it involves lovely spring colours and the birth of the new season, the blooming of beautiful flowers and, this year, the hatching of seven of the cutest little chicks.  I had been waiting on their arrival to do my UJB post this month and they arrived perfectly on time for Easter.

Who could ask for better props for an Easter styling image?  Even if they are incredibly uncooperative and poop on set.


One of the plants I used is called Canterbury Bells (please correct me if I’m wrong).  My daughter picked it out at an amazing garden centre that we visited the other day and it has really brightened our home with the pink bell blooms and lovely greenery.


The other plant is my beloved fresh cilantro.  Every year I buy so many cilantro plants and they all go directly to seed.  I’ve tried planting them in the sun, in the shade, in full ground and even in pots.  Nothing works.  I have a feeling it’s due to the extreme heat that we have in the summer (and NOT my bad gardening skills of course).  This year I’ll try growing it inside and see how it goes.  I love to cook with it so much (although I can’t even think about my favourite Chicken with Cilantro Sauce recipe due to those sweet chicks in the photo).

These sage green eggs above were lovingly produced and delivered by our one and only adult chicken Dahlia.  After a long egg-less winter she started laying last week and we’ve all been enjoying omelettes made with eggs that are minutes fresh.  The lovely embroidered silk “nest” is actually used by women in India to help them carry large baskets on their heads.  An old man at a market in Jodhpur gave it to my girls as a present and we love it.2015UJBeaster9Enjoy your Easter everyone!
Last year’s origami inspired Easter UJB post here.
(ps…washi tape is the perfect egg holder!)

*Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series initiated by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith (JOELIX.com). Every month they share ideas to create an urban jungle through styling ideas, DIYs and green tips & tricks. You can find additional inspiration on their Urban Jungle Bloggers Pinterest board and keep up-to-date on our website and Facebook page. Want to join? Use #urbanjunglebloggers on Twitter and Instagram. Or let them know and they’ll share the badge and upcoming topics with you. Let’s bring some green into our homes and blogs!  


5 Responses to “Urban Jungle Bloggers: EASTER”

  1. happyinteriorblog April 5, 2015 at 14:24 #

    What a wonderful, beautiful and super cute styling with those little fluffy cuties! Happy green Easter to you Jillian!

  2. joelix April 7, 2015 at 01:11 #

    Ohhhhhh love your fluffy UJB stars! Super nice to see them come out of their eggs on Instagram and now here, all fluffy and cut and adorable. And love love looooove the color of Dahlia’s eggs and the silk nest, so gorgeous ❤ Hope you had a wonderful Easter with nice food, chocolate and cute chicks! xx

  3. Jane Campbell April 9, 2015 at 07:44 #

    Hi Jillian!
    I have had the same trouble with cilantro (or as we call it in Australia, coriander). There are slow-bolting varieties, such as “Calypso”, which take longer to go to seed. You might have to investigate one that suits you better. Love the nest!

  4. Elisa (@ElisaGIH) May 1, 2015 at 18:06 #

    oh, I love cilantro! Together with basil and rosemary it is my favorite herb! I had trouble with the seeds dopping out of the balcony from their vase and my cilantro not growing fast enough to keep up with the “demand” 😉
    can’t believe you got two adorable chicks, you lovely kook, you ❤


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