Gratefully Grateful *28*

19 Mar

A few weeks ago my family and I witnessed a horrible motorcycle accident.  It was a Sunday afternoon and we were on our way home after seeing a beautiful Steve McCurry photo exhibit in the nearby city of Monza. The motorcyclist was behind us in a long line of traffic before he decided to pass.  We saw his face in the rearview mirror seconds before he died.  Unfortunately the woman who was in the passenger seat of the car that crashed into him died as well.

None of us slept that night.  We kept playing back the horrific scene in our heads.  Besides feeling extreme sadness for the families of the people who died we were left feeling so grateful that it wasn’t us or anyone we knew.

So here’s to a safe spring season full of beautiful colourful blooms, warmer and longer days, visiting family, planting and planning our garden and so much more.

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This is Birdie.  He loves to tip things off window sills (iphones are his favourite) and he refuses to put on his specially made party hat (while awake)  He’s a walking nightmare but for some reason we love him to death.  At least 4 of the 5 family members do.2015cimiteromonumentale2

A little unexpected family trip to Milan to visit the Cimitero Monumentale.  Who would have thought visiting grave sites could be so much fun.  Proof to be found here as well.2015urbanjunglebloggersjan1

An accidental shot found on my camera that I actually love.

2015Lisaflowercrown1 2015Lisaflowercrown2

Some images of a flower crown workshops that my daughters organised for their grandmother and cousin. They definitely have a future in event planning.  The small details of the workshop made my heart burst with pride (fancy snack table, little goody bags, appropriate music and even matching outfits).
2015cimiteromonumentale1Statue seen at the Cimitero Monumentale (Monumental Cemetery) in Milan.  Is there anything more beautiful than a mother breast-feeding her baby?

Gratefully Grateful
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12 Responses to “Gratefully Grateful *28*”

  1. giova brusa March 20, 2015 at 10:49 #

    Beautiful pics Jill!
    The flower one is soooo nice, and I agree about breastfeeding, never understood why people make a fuss and say that it is offensive.
    Can I sign in for the next workshop?
    and p.s: sorry you had to witness such a terrible accident.

    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2015 at 10:24 #

      My girls would LOVE to do a workshop with you! They keep asking when we’re going back to Amsterdam to see you and meet for brunch.

  2. Yvonne March 20, 2015 at 13:53 #

    Oh, what a horrible experience for everybody involved!
    Flowers! Now I want some too in my shack here….


    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2015 at 10:25 #

      Flowers are the best way to brighten up your house/day/mood. Luckily here in Italy it is full on spring so there are colourful flowers to be found everywhere!! So pretty!

  3. joelix March 20, 2015 at 14:19 #

    Oh yes, your girls will be such wonderful event planners! I remember the Blago night they put together so beautifully with a special menu and all the details ❤ Love the shot of the flowers too! Such a happy accident. Very sorry that you all had to witness the motorcycle accident though. Big hugs!!! An hiiiiiii Birdie!

    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2015 at 10:27 #

      That Blago night was so much fun. Remember the blue cake with wonky Blago logo?! And all the singing? We’ll have to do it again sooooon!!!

  4. anya jensen (@anyaadores) March 23, 2015 at 13:35 #

    Oh that’s a horrendous experience. So sad for everyone involved. One of my friends died the same way, on a motorbike 2 roads from his home:((

    Lovely pictures – thye evoke such a sense of Spring, I can’t wait, here it is still freezing cold, but a few flowers are peeping out. Happy Monday xx

    PS: Love the expression on Birdies face ha ha

    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2015 at 10:29 #

      Motorcycles scare ma so much! I’ve heard of so many horrific accidents involving them.

      I hope spring arrives up there soon. If not, you are always welcome down here in sunny Italy! xo

  5. Jen March 24, 2015 at 23:00 #

    I’m so sorry to hear about the accident. Some years back, we drove by a man who had just jumped to his death from an overpass. Two good samaritans had pulled over and were waiting with the man until the ambulance arrived. The scene haunts me to this day. Thankfully, both of our kids were asleep.

    Thank you for the stunning photos that remind me that there is beauty in the world when we look for it. That last image of the statue, along with the “accidental shot” are fantastic.

    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2015 at 10:31 #

      Oh that story brought shivers up my spine. Those are moments that really do haunt you forever. Hope you are finally getting some spring weather over there…looks like it has been a rough winter weather-wise for everyone in North America. I was just thinking our little pen-pals should start writing again. A good goal during our 2 week Easter holidays! Jx

  6. mfryan March 27, 2015 at 01:51 #

    I’ve seen so many motorcycle accidents in Italy…so many images I’d like to forget. Whenever one of my English students suggested I get a motorcycle instead of taking the bus, I would always remind them of how dangerous they are. Sorry you had to be a witness too. But beautiful photos!

  7. Christy@SweetandSavoring March 27, 2015 at 22:17 #

    I love the ‘accidental’ photo and the one in the cemetery! Great, vibrant colors that are perfect for early spring. And oh my. I’m so sorry you witnessed such a terrible thing.That must have taken a lot of shaking off to get it out of your mind!

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