Gratefully Grateful *27*

12 Jan

Here I am, sitting at my computer and wondering how I can start the new year off here in this little space of mine.  A space that was pretty much neglected for a lot of 2014.  But a space that meant a lot to me just the same.

The last few days I’ve been looking back at old posts and photos and enjoying reliving some beautiful moments of last year.  And in the end that’s the reason I keep coming back and sharing here on Jillian In Italy.  I love wandering back and taking peeks into my life and the lives of my family.

Last year offered some lovely times and some not so lovely times.  Just like any other year.

In 2014 I learned a lot about relationships. I really realised how important and invaluable my friends are in my life. Living away from family can be really hard and having good loyal friends to rely on is essential.  My friends are my family.  We support each other and step in when family usually would.  So 2015 is the year to really cherish, appreciate and have fun with all those people I love so much.

I’ll be continuing this Gratefully Grateful series this year and sharing images that make me smile and remind me how fortunate I am to have the life that I do.  Seriously, even though there are rough times, sad times and aggravating times these little moments poke through it all and shine.


A day snowshoeing in the local mountains.  It was 20 degrees, the sun was shining and there was a huge plate of polenta waiting at our destination.  Oh and I learned that bending over to put on snowshoes after a 2 hour polenta lunch (with dessert) is not an easy task.mercatinodinataleangera14-4


Came across these images of my Christmas market stand with the infamous Patamaga.  We may not have sold out of our wares but we had a great day drinking tea, chatting, eating her Mama’s delicious food and trying to stay warm for the 12 hours we were outside.  And those yarn-bomb trees that my daughters made were our top sellers of the day. Obviously.2014daysforgirls2 On our recent trip to India (more on that soon) we made a Days For Girls kit delivery to the Delhi Council for Child Welfare. Seeing those kits that we’ve been making and assembling for the last year in the hands of happy girls was definitely a highlight of 2014 for every member of my family.



IMG_8876And even though we’re experiencing spring like weather here in Italy I know a lot of you out in the world are suffering through snowy cold winter days.  So these Ligurian seaside photos from last summer are for you.  May they warm your thoughts a tad and show you there is light (and sun) at the end of the (winter) tunnel.

Have a great week!

Gratefully Grateful
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6 Responses to “Gratefully Grateful *27*”

  1. roamingpursuits January 12, 2015 at 12:15 #

    Gorgeous ćolourful snaps.

  2. Heather Carlson January 12, 2015 at 13:00 #

    I love your gratefully grateful series Jillian! Always makes me smile and points my thoughts toward my own grateful moments, which I need to do more often… XO

  3. Elisa Bieg January 12, 2015 at 14:42 #

    I love this series, your shots and comments truly make me happy!
    And those yarn-bombed trees the girls made are fabulous – I definitely would have bought one!

  4. lauren January 12, 2015 at 15:07 #

    I’m so glad to see this post (and I anxiously await some India posts!). Blogging is tricky, isn’t it? In the end, the same things that you describe are what bring me back again and again. It’s a record of our days, and I love having that. I love reading this one. (and I want snow! and polenta!)

  5. Nancy January 12, 2015 at 17:28 #

    Happy new year to you and your family, Jill!


  1. Gratefully Grateful *28* | Jillian In Italy - March 20, 2015

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