Gratefully Grateful *24*

8 Sep

I’m going to be honest up front here and say that September is not my favourite month. After the summer holidays and being with my kids day in and day out I always find September and back-to-school such a lonely time of year.

I need to re-adjust to being solo for the most part of my days. I need to re-adjust to having an empty and hauntingly silent (and tidy) house. I need to re-adjust to having time for myself and doing groceries and errands without three chatty kids with me.

In the end I just plain miss my kids during the 10 months of school each year. I even offered to home-school them at a certain point but was politely told that it was never going to happen.

But I know in a few short weeks I’ll have my life more organised, lots of activities scheduled, projects lined up and my feet back firmly on the ground.

Anyone else out there feel the same way around this time of year?

Here are a few images from our summer vacation.  Even if we had record breaking bad weather it really was a great one.

IMG_8918Evidence that my daughter is a lover of stripes.  Just like her Mama.
*taken in Albissola Marina, Liguria*

IMG_8913So grateful that we can arrive at the Meditteranean in less than two hours.  My kids spent our days there body surfing in the warm water, eating gelato and foccacia and doing crosswords under the parasol with their Mama.

IMG_8231I will always and forever love geraniums.  Amen.IMG_8533Bikes in a charming courtyard in the centre of Milan.IMG_8259

Lovely memories of eating at this little wine bar at a local lake.  Their cheese plate served with champagne jelly is life changing.

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead.

Gratefully Grateful
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11 Responses to “Gratefully Grateful *24*”

  1. giova brusa September 10, 2014 at 11:01 #

    I don’t like september but for other reasons. I actually enjoy when my kids go back to school and I can have time to embroider without interruptions. I LOVE geraniums too!!

    • Jillian In Italy September 12, 2014 at 22:25 #

      Now I’m curious about the other reasons to not like September!

  2. Heather Carlson September 12, 2014 at 11:32 #

    I love your Gratefully Grateful posts Jill! And the cheese platter with champagne jelly sounds divine. XO

    • Jillian In Italy September 12, 2014 at 22:27 #

      Totally worth the trip to Lago d’Orta (the restaurant is called El Bouec).

  3. Jillian In Italy September 12, 2014 at 22:24 #

    Good to hear I’m not alone.

  4. lauren September 16, 2014 at 12:30 #

    I’ve been remiss in coming to your blog and I need to change that! I loathe September! 😉 So many reasons! The usual back to school stuff (I know you understand) also comes with an emotional component as schedules shift and routines form. It’s my husband’s busiest time of year so he’s busy, distant and moody (very unlike him), and while it’s my son’s birthday (!), he’s always a little testy around birthday time. Bring on October. I’m ready.

    • Jillian In Italy September 20, 2014 at 14:32 #

      Yes…bring on October! I’m also more than ready. Jxo


  1. Gratefully Grateful *25* | Jillian In Italy - September 23, 2014

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  2. Gratefully Grateful *26* | Jillian In Italy - October 13, 2014

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  3. Gratefully Grateful *27* | Jillian In Italy - January 12, 2015

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  4. Gratefully Grateful *28* | Jillian In Italy - March 20, 2015

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