Tag Archives: jodphur

Indian Snapshots *3*

2 Feb

After a whole week of being sick with a really bad stomach flu (like REALLY bad) I finally feel like a human being again.

Last week I didn’t even have enough energy to plug in my hard drive and wade through my India photos.  If you know me you’ll understand that means that I was practically on my death bed (have I ever mentioned I tend to exaggerate a teeny tiny bit at times?).

But I’m feeling good today and managed to put together the next set of my favourite images from our recent trip to India. Sometimes I can almost taste and smell the memories of that trip just by looking at the photos.  Love that so much.


Tasseled pillows in the market place.  I resisted.  And I regret it so much.


Miniature eggplants and the sweetest red carrots you’ll ever eat.


Basket of flower garlands ready for the temple.


This woman had so much character.  My kids were terrified of her though.2014indiadeegpalace5

We were so fortunate to have a guided private tour of this old palace in Deeg.  The ornamental tiger cage (for live pet tiger) was a favourite feature.  The kids spent hours running throughout the grounds, jumping over fountains, avoiding gangs of monkeys and having the time of their lives with their friends. A favourite day on our trip in India.2014indiajodhpur6

While visiting the fort in Jodphur we came across this sweet little parakeet.  He was the most curious little guy who seemed to love getting his photo taken.  If you’re interested I have about 659 other photos of him…2014indiajodhpur8

This is his shy pose.2014indiajodhpur12 I almost can’t look at this photo because of the sadness of not being able to get a hot syrupy bowl of Gulab Jamun is too much to bear.  There is nothing like it on earth.


Temple visiting.

Indian Snapshots *1*
Indian Snapshots *2*