Gratefully Grateful *5*

7 Feb

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are in the world but here in Northern Italy we have had a pretty long stretch of grey and rainy days.  Luckily in the middle of it all we had one glorious day of full sun and bright blue skies that helped keep everyone’s spirits (relatively) high. In all the years that we have lived here this has to be the most bizarre winter in terms of weather.  We actually haven’t yet experienced any real winter temperatures or conditions this year.  For me it’s absolutely fine.  For my kids, not so much.  They are praying every day for snow and I hope for their sake we have at least one good storm where the snow stays on the ground for more than a few hours.  But despite the grey skies and rain (and a mild case of the flu) there have been lots to be happy about this week.

This week I am grateful for…

…that one glorious day of sun we had this week.  Seriously, it recharged my battery and gave me some much needed energy.IMG_4208…our upcoming trip to Morocco and the fact I’ll be able to pick up a new pair of colourful slippers to add to our collectionIMG_4003…a lovely walk along the lake with one of my daughters.  And this very curious goose who decided to join us.  Check out those gorgeous mountain views in the background!

Enjoy your week-end everyone!

Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*

30 Responses to “Gratefully Grateful *5*”

  1. Salma February 7, 2014 at 17:44 #

    Wow, beautiful bright photos and lot to be grateful for. Love those slippers.
    Your sister Rachel pointed me towards your blog. I love it!

    • Jillian In Italy February 8, 2014 at 15:15 #

      Nice to “meet” you Salma. So you know Rachel?! Isn’t she amazing? Have a great week-end. Jx

  2. lessthanperfectmama February 7, 2014 at 22:22 #

    That very happy-looking duck made me smile! We, too, are experiencing the winter doldrums here and I’m ready for spring.

    • Jillian In Italy February 8, 2014 at 15:16 #

      It was acting more like a dog than a goose! I kind of wanted to take it home with me. Hope the weather gets better soon! Jx

  3. Thrisha Francia February 7, 2014 at 23:59 #

    i have really enjoyed your post, the photos are beautiful. It takes me to another world. I recently saw a post (on a family members blog) about visiting Morocco you might enjoy reading. the blog is Bon Conseil. thanks for sharing your adventures. Thrisha

    • Jillian In Italy February 8, 2014 at 15:18 #

      Oh I’ll have to check out the Morocco post. We all love Morocco so much. We’re really looking forward to some great hikes in the Atlas mountains and some beach time. Such a colourful and amazing country. Greetings!

  4. Deborah February 10, 2014 at 17:40 #

    Love these photos! So beautiful Jillian.


  1. Gratefully Grateful *6* | Jillian In Italy - February 14, 2014

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  2. Gratefully Grateful *7* | Jillian In Italy - February 21, 2014

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  3. Gratefully Grateful *9* | Jillian In Italy - March 9, 2014

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  4. Gratefully Gratefully *8* | Jillian In Italy - March 9, 2014

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  5. Gratefully Grateful *10* | Jillian In Italy - March 16, 2014

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  6. Gratefully Grateful *11* | Jillian In Italy - March 24, 2014

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  7. Gratefully Grateful *12* | Jillian In Italy - March 30, 2014

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  8. Gratefully Grateful *13* | Jillian In Italy - April 7, 2014

    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, […]

  9. Gratefully Grateful *14* | Jillian In Italy - April 13, 2014

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  10. Gratefully Grateful *15* | Jillian In Italy - April 23, 2014

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  11. Gratefully Grateful *16* | Jillian In Italy - April 28, 2014

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  12. Gratefully Grateful *17* | Jillian In Italy - May 4, 2014

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  13. Gratefully Grateful *18* | Jillian In Italy - May 14, 2014

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    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17*,*18*,*19*,*20*, […]

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    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17*,*18*,*19*,*20*,*21*,*22* […]

  19. Gratefully Grateful *24* | Jillian In Italy - September 8, 2014

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  21. Gratefully Grateful *26* | Jillian In Italy - October 13, 2014

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  23. Gratefully Grateful *28* | Jillian In Italy - March 20, 2015

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