Gratefully Grateful *11*

24 Mar

I’m going to be brutally honest and tell you the thing that I was most grateful for this week.  It wasn’t the gorgeous sunny hot weather or the plethora of breathtaking spring blossoms or even scoring a stack of beautiful vintage photos at my local mercatino usato.  It was actually take-out Indian food.  Yes, after living here for 13 years and only having pizza as an option when I’m not in the mood to cook, a fabulous Indian restaurant opened less than 10 minutes from my home.  On Friday night I popped in, ordered enough food to feed an army and walked out with my brown paper bag full of tasty Indian goodness.   It was scary how excited I was.  I love living in rural Italy but I have missed foreign foods and the convenience of having delicious food cooked for me (again, besides pizza which I also love).  Sometimes those little things make such a difference.

This week I’m grateful for…


…my husband who agreed to fold 20 origami rabbits with me.  Okay, for me (I was busy watching New Girl).

IMG_5640…the fact he still comes up and sits really really really really close to me.

IMG_6046…forsythia bushes covering the local landscape.  They’re on their way out now but those almost fluorescent yellow bushes covered in blossoms sure know how to get a girl’s attention.

Have a great week!

Gratefully Grateful *1**2**3**4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8**9*, *10*

26 Responses to “Gratefully Grateful *11*”

  1. Marine March 24, 2014 at 17:08 #

    I SO find myself in this feeling!….I have only been in Italy for 3 years…and although I really think food is one the best thing in this country… I also miss my breton home food … Crepes, fresh seafood, especially crab, salted butter, good crispy bread… and my belgian husband misses his Filet americain, french fries on the go, mussels marinière…. we also miss all other foreign food such as curry! (we both lived many years in the UK…). We manage to get fairly good sushis however… but maybe we should go more in big cities… (by the way, we tried to get to the Ramen restaurant you mentionned the other day… but it was clooooosed! of course it was sunday…. 😉

    • Jillian In Italy March 24, 2014 at 21:00 #

      Haha…my Belgian husband misses his filet americain too! Such a pity the Ramen House was closed when you went. Bizarrely enough they are closed on Sunday and Monday. Today I was in Milan with friends and we ate at a Korean Restaurant called Hana. It was SO good. I really recommend it as well. And one of these days we should meet in Milan for lunch!

  2. Sewing Princess March 24, 2014 at 22:10 #

    Oh my Indian! Would you mind sharing the info? I’d love some ethnic food.
    You could try making americain with piemontese tartare from esselunga 😉

    • Marine March 24, 2014 at 22:25 #

      Ciao Silvia! Yes good idea the Esselunga tartare! although I am not big fan of meat buying… at least the good point is that with raw meat I do not risk to burn or undercook it…
      and while I am writing this I see a nice picture of belgian galettes! We always have them home made by our belgian nonna too! Myself I try to make crepes to my boys on sunday morning…and I secretly add seasalt to my butter…

      anyway… milano lunch meeting sounds good to me! we must organize us! when where, how, who? Myself, I can come to milan only on mondays, wednesdays and thursdays (and WE of course!)

  3. Deepa March 25, 2014 at 09:40 #

    This made me laugh! I just had Kat over and we went to grab a quick sandwich at a very typical Dutch cafe. When I apologized for our non-foodie, not-so-impressive meal, she pointed to the plate of big fat frites with mayo and said “I’m in heaven! I can’t find this stuff in Rome!”

    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2014 at 14:34 #

      mmmm…frites with mayo. I could go for that about now. You’ll have to let me know what kind of food you want when you come down here…

  4. Deepa March 25, 2014 at 09:42 #

    P.S. It works the other way too. At the end of my 11-day honeymoon in Rajasthan, my stomach was crying out for pizza pizza pizza! All they had in Agra was Pizza Hut, so that’s what we ate on our last night in India before getting up to see the Taj Mahal at sunrise. Good times.

    • Jillian In Italy March 25, 2014 at 14:36 #

      Nothing like a good pizza before visiting the Taj Mahal! Ha. Love it. And remind me to pick your brain about traveling to India when you’re here. I’m just about to press BUY on some tickets into Delhi for Christmas.

      • Deepa March 25, 2014 at 15:41 #

        Christmas is a great time to visit India. And I have the PERFECT, most AMAZING travel agent in India for you!!! He arranged our honeymoon and everything was just spectacular. Check out my photos on FB, it’s one of the earliest photo albums.


  1. Gratefully Grateful *12* | Jillian In Italy - March 30, 2014

    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11* […]

  2. Gratefully Grateful *13* | Jillian In Italy - April 7, 2014

    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, […]

  3. Gratefully Grateful *14* | Jillian In Italy - April 13, 2014

    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, […]

  4. Gratefully Grateful *15* | Jillian In Italy - April 23, 2014

    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, […]

  5. Gratefully Grateful *16* | Jillian In Italy - April 28, 2014

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  6. Gratefully Grateful *17* | Jillian In Italy - May 4, 2014

    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*, […]

  7. Gratefully Grateful *18* | Jillian In Italy - May 14, 2014

    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17* […]

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  9. Gratefully Grateful *20* | Jillian In Italy - June 17, 2014

    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17*,*18*,*19* […]

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    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17*,*18*,*19*, […]

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    […] Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17*,*18*,*19*,*20*, […]

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    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*,*16*,*17*,*18*,*19*,*20*,*21*,*22* […]

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    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*, […]

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    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*, […]

  15. Gratefully Grateful *26* | Jillian In Italy - October 13, 2014

    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*, […]

  16. Gratefully Grateful *27* | Jillian In Italy - January 12, 2015

    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*, […]

  17. Gratefully Grateful *28* | Jillian In Italy - March 20, 2015

    […] Gratefully Grateful *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*,*6*,*7*,*8*, *9*, *10*, *11*, *12*, *13*, *14*,*15*, […]

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